Of music and community – can it help us be healthy?

Creating music can be fun and help people feel part of something bigger than themselves. Community. Something shared by all. When we create new music in place, with inspiration from inside ourselves, each other and the environment around us, something special and unique is happening for the very first time. Latest brain research shows that … Read more

nature and music blog

Click here for some amazing images of maths in nature: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=maths+and+nature&espv=2&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=vIpeVM_iNueY7gaI-4H4CA&ved=0CCAQsAQ&biw=1375&bih=735

Nature and Music.

While I am preparing some personally written blogs and videos… here is a simple and beautiful video as a first blog from Sara Marco with some rather relaxing classical  music along to some lovely nature… you can check out some of her other videos here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9xtt1N_EWEO8x0THph12Kg

Re-thinking the way music is taught, with inspiration from Nature

Where music, nature, creative thinking and interactive performance meet.           HI! My name is Chris Holland. I am an environmental educator, artist, author and didgeridoo player. I am passionate about nature, mentoring and making learning playful, ‘edge stretching’ and outdoor based. I want to introduce you to the natural musicians – … Read more